October 15, 2024

By: AEOP Membership Council Member Radhati Srisukwattananan

Whether it’s in athletics, academics, music, or even waiting for a parking spot at Wegmans for five minutes only to get it stolen by an incredibly fast minivan, losing out on a win, grade, prize, or parking spot can be just plain frustrating. But what if I told you that this is the key to resiliency? 

“The ability to bounce back from setbacks is often described as the difference between successful and unsuccessful people,” according to the Harvard Business Review. Facing challenges head-on and learning to move forward and improve oneself is one of the most important, if not the most crucial, characteristics for surviving life’s daily chaos. Yet, few of us – dare I say none – are born with this essential trait. So, that begs the question: How do successful people develop resiliency?

What biology implies

A 2018 research discussion featuring top researchers from the U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine and the Defense Science and Technology Group of Australia discussed the prevalent biological factors that can contribute to an individual’s resilience – especially intense militaristic situations. In this article, men are noted to have “several physiological advantages over women, including higher average cardiac output and muscle strength.” However, women have advantages as well, such as “a decreased caloric requirement” and more efficient methods of using stored fats as energy, which can be beneficial in adverse environments. 

Yet, the discussion concludes that these physiological properties pale in importance compared to an individual’s psychology. If you’re questioning where to improve, building your psychological resilience is the best place to start. 

Your psychology

Take care of yourself, build relationships, and create a network of support around you. Believe in your ability to overcome obstacles, break down problems, and move on from failures. Building psychological strength begins by simply taking one step in any of these areas. For instance, taking care of yourself can be as simple as going for a short walk; research has shown that physical activity is linked to increased psychological resilience. 

For younger individuals, participating in STEM camps or group programs can be a fun method to develop resiliency by providing a challenging yet nurturing environment. These experiences can then develop into more involved and personalized environments, such as internships or apprenticeships, where challenges scale up. The great thing about resiliency is that it can be built by any obstructive situation. 


Resiliency is a journey that requires dedication, self-awareness, and practice. In a world filled with chaos and adversities, consistently taking steps to face and overcome challenges enables us to develop the resilience to become a successful individual. So, the next time a minivan dashes out from behind you and steals your long-awaited parking spot, don’t let it affect you. Remember now that every inconvenience and challenge will only continue to build your resiliency if you choose to make it so. Our worst moments only prepare us for the best.









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