Posted: 12-10-2024

Title: Tactical Networks and Communications

Location: Army Research Lab – Adelphi Laboratory Center – Adelphi, MD

Description: Student research includes work in adaptive networking and communications focusing on theories, methods, algorithms, and experimental approaches to enable resilient communications in complex and contested environments via novel communication modalities, multi-layer adaptive protocols for robust information delivery (including storage, computing, and communications), interpretable and adversarial machine learning to enable autonomous control of heterogeneous network structures and dynamics for resilience to adversarial attacks.

Requirements: Applicants should have strong domain understanding of networks and communications systems and analytical and programming skills to design and execute fundamental and applied research. Applicants with experience in network and communications simulation/experimentation platforms (e.g., ns-3, Kubernetes, SDN, USRP, Matlab) and proficiency in AI/ML techniques and algorithms are desired.

Level: Graduate

Required Major(s): CS, ECE

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