Posted: 12-10-2024
Title: Laser Spectroscopy of Ultra-Wide and Wide Bandgap Semiconductors
Location: Army Research Lab – Adelphi Laboratory Center – Adelphi, MD
Description: New ultra-wide and wide bandgap (U/WBG) semiconductor materials are important to making advances in power and RF electronics, and ultraviolet (UV) opto-electronics. This project applies laser spectroscopy techniques, including photoluminescence and time-correlated single photon counting, to understanding electron-hole dynamics in these new materials. This understanding is used to provide feedback to team members so they can grow better materials and design improved devices including transistors, light emitting diodes (LEDs), and laser.
Requirements: Comfortable working with lasers; Excited to leaf through the ThorLabs catalog; Experience with software for data analysis and plotting.
Level: Multiple Classifications
Required Major(s): Physics, Optics, Material Science, Electrical Engineering, or equivalent
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