Tell Us about Yourself
I am a senior in high school. I play varsity soccer and lacrosse. I want to major in Engineering in College and minor in Computer Science. I participated in Camp Invention in Toms River/Pine Beach NJ from 2015-2021. I was a Camper in 2015, a Leadership Intern in Training 2016 and 2017, and a Leadership Intern 2018, 2019 and 2021.
What AEOP program(s) did you participate in?
Camp Invention
Words of Advice?
I encourage them to try different ideas for their designs and let them know that it is just as important to figure out what doesn’t work as what does work. I want them to know when they try out their design ideas, that even though making mistakes is frustrating, each time they are learning something new that makes them smarter.
Best Things about the Program?
I have been a Leadership Intern at Camp Invention for three of the last four summers. I love working with young kids to get them excited about inventing new things.
How Participating in AEOP Inspired You to Advance in the STEM Field?
I am a former camper so I understand what they are experiencing. Watching 20 kindergarten through second grade students is no simple task however, each summer I look forward to helping them grow and spark an interest in STEM.
Who is you favorite STEM role model
My mother is a prime example of someone who uses their fascination for science to benefit everyone around her.
What are your future hopes and dreams?
I hope to find a job that helps benefit others and makes me happy. I want to be an agent of positive change for the world around me.
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