Tell Us about Yourself
I am a senior in high school. After graduating, I plan to go to college for aerospace engineering.
What AEOP program(s) did you participate in?
Words of Advice?
Although my program ended, the doors AEOP opened for me remain opened. I encourage anyone to apply, even with the slightest interest, because of the friends you’ll meet, the inspiration you’ll find, and the opportunities you’ll receive. You cannot find this experience anywhere else.
Best Things about the Program?
Everything about the program was excellent, but a few experiences stood out. First, through AEOP I learned how to fly a plane! I never conceived of flying a plane, let alone at 17 years old. I spent a week studying controls and then took lift-off. Incredible as this was, it’s only one example from the two fantastic summers I experienced thanks to UNITE. I built rockets, created a circuit board, visited Isle Royale (an island and national park in Lake Superior) and much more.
How Participating in AEOP Inspired You to Advance in the STEM Field?
Before AEOP, I didn’t know what I wanted to do after high school. Through the program I spent a week at a time on specific careers or majors, exploring what people do in these jobs. Eventually, I found a career that represented everything I wanted: aerospace engineering. Not only did AEOP help me discover a career I loved, but it also connected me the information I need to achieve this new dream through college.
What fictional character (in TV, movie, book) has inspired you the most? Why?
The doctor from “Doctor Who.” He explores all of space and time, but along his travels, he also helps thousands of people.
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