Tell Us about Yourself
I’m a rising 12th grader from Houston Academy in Dothan, AL. Currently, I am looking into a career in medical research or something that combines my interest in law with my love for STEM. My dream school is the University of Chicago, and I hope to end up back in the Midwest as an adult.
What AEOP program(s) did you participate in?
Gains in the Education of Mathematics and Science (GEMS)
Words of Advice?
I would suggest to all AEOP students that they take the class or involve themselves in the summer camp that they’re not sure they’ll like. I initially didn’t want to take the medical module of GEMS since I was super squeamish, but I took it anyways; that module is one of my favorites and has inspired me to look into a medical research career.
Best Things about the Program?
Participating in GEMS inspired me to learn more about the world around me and helped me find interests I love. I also learned how to look at the world and global issues with a critical yet growth-oriented view. One of the best things about GEMS was the people I met. I met one of my closest friends there, and I continue to stay in touch with many others I met. I also received invaluable advice from all eight of my mentors.
If you Could Meet One Person Living or Dead, who would you Choose? Why?
I would meet John Green. His book, “The Anthropocene Reviewed”, inspired my love of critical research and essays. Plus, he seems like a cool guy. DFTBA!
What is your Passion or Hobby outside of STEM?
I am an avid trivia nut! I’m the captain of my school’s Scholar’s Bowl team, I love watching video essays about everything and I hope to be on Jeopardy!
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