Tell Us about Yourself
I am a high school senior planning on majoring in a STEM field and minoring in computer science when I attend college.
What AEOP program(s) did you participate in?
The Science and Engineering Apprentice Program (SEAP)
Words of Advice?
If you are considering enrollment in an AEOP program, the best advice I can offer is to tell you to go for it. Interning this summer was an incredible experience.
Best Things about the Program?
I participated in the SEAP program as an intern with the Future Soldier Technology Division of the Human Research and Engineering Directorate (HRED). The best thing about mySEAP program experience was the amazing people I worked with in HRED. My mentor, Amar Marathe, Ph.D., and my technical mentor, Jonroy Canady, taught me a lot. They went above and beyond to ensure I had an excellent experience interning this summer. The collaborative environment was something I was not accustomed to, and so I learned a lot from the people with whom I worked.
How Participating in AEOP Inspired You to Advance in the STEM Field?
Participating in the internship this summer opened my eyes to the real-world applications of STEM. In school, the concepts we learn are relatively abstract, so we don’t always have context for how they are applied in real jobs or the real world. Interning this summer showed me the applications of the concepts I was learning in school. I have not narrowed my career focus yet, but I am positive about one thing: I will pursue STEM studies. Most of all, my love for science is now more firmly grounded in real-life experience.
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