What AEOP program(s) did you participate in?
Gains in the Education of Mathematics and Science (GEMS)
Tell us About Yourself
I am a rising Senior in high school, focusing on science & technology. I plan to pursue a career in the medical field. This fall, I am excited to start my internship at the University of Maryland’s Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences’ Language Development & Perception Lab for my senior year research practicum.
How did Participating in AEOP Inspire you to Advance in the STEM Field?
I first became involved with AEOP through Camp Invention, where I got to use my creative side to “invent” and create small- scale machines. I then attended multiple GEMS camps each summer during middle and high school. I am now part of the AEOP Membership Council, where I come up with ideas to promote AEOP programs and encourage others to join.
Who is your Favorite STEM Role Model? Why?
My favorite STEM role model is Katherine Johnson – an African American mathematician whose calculations at NASA helped get people into space.
What is your Passion or Hobby outside of STEM?
My passions are lacrosse and gymnastics. I am a 13-year competitive gymnast and going on my 2nd year as Captain of my high school lacrosse team.
Any Words of Advice for Future AEOP Participants?
Participating in AEOP has piqued my interest in neuroscience and the study of the human body and brain. At GEMS, I enjoyed the hands-on experiments and working closely with mentors. It’s cool to be working inside a real Army lab! My advice, make the most of the amazing opportunities offered to AEOP program participants. Camp Invention and GEMS are great ways to spend your summer!
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