AEOP Introduces Graduate and Post-Doctoral Fellowships

Posted on January 27, 2021

Our AEOP Apprenticeships are expanding! Starting this year,* AEOP will now offer fellowship opportunities for STEM graduate students, recent STEM master’s graduates as well as individuals who have recently completed their Ph.D. in STEM. These opportunities will fall under the new AEOP Apprenticeships and Fellowships program. As an AEOP Fellow, you will have the unique […] See More


Seeking Organization to Partner on STEM Apprenticeship and Workforce Development Program

Posted on April 11, 2019

On behalf of the U.S. Army Educational Outreach Program (AEOP), Battelle is seeking an experienced partner interested in developing new and innovative ways to execute the AEOP science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) apprenticeship and Workforce Development Program, See More


URAP students publish neuroscience research in Frontiers for Young Minds

Posted on February 7, 2019

During the 2018 school year, Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Program (URAP) participants Allison Joanna Lewis and Isabella Noel Nemer not only conducted research in a university laboratory – they also had their research published in Frontiers for Young Minds! See More


STEM-ify your summer!

Posted on January 25, 2019

Apprenticeships seem to be gaining a lot of favor these days with more and more people talking about ways to prepare for a fulfilling career, outside the bounds of a classroom. See More


AEOP Apprenticeship Webinars: Ask a Scientist or Engineer

Posted on November 8, 2018

Have you ever wondered what a day in the life of a scientist or engineer is like? AEOP apprenticeship webinars are a perfect opportunity to step into their shoes! Last summer, the AEOP apprenticeship programs sponsored a series of discussions with U.S. Army scientists. See More


Calling Colleges and Universities: Become a Summer Host Site for High School STEM Apprentices!

Posted on August 23, 2018

The Academy of Applied Science, on behalf of the U.S. Army Educational Outreach Program (AEOP), is looking for new partners to mentor  high school students interested in STEM.  The Research & Engineering Apprenticeship Program (REAP) works with universities across the country to provide priority population high school students a summer research experience. See More

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  • eCYBERMISSION Mini-Grant

    The eCYBERMISSION Mini-Grant is intended to support teachers/program leaders as they implement eCYBERMISSION with their teams. Educators (formal and informal) of students in grades 6-9 are encouraged to apply.


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