Posted: 12-09-2024
Title: Densification of Binder Jet Additive Manufactured Ceramics
Location: Army Research Lab – Aberdeen Proving Ground – Aberdeen, MD
Description: Binder jet is an additive manufacturing technique capable of forming advanced ceramics parts with geometric complexity. A major challenge with this process lies in the densification of binder jet parts, as powder feedstocks amenable to binder jetting are often not sinterable. This project aims to explore densification methods beyond solid-state sintering of binder jet ceramics, such as polymer infiltration and pyrolysis (PIP). Ceramics of interest are carbide and boride materials. Process parameters of interest include the binder jet powder feedstock, the polymer chemistry and rheology, the infiltration process, and the thermal processing.
Requirements: Powder processing, Polymer Chemistry, Rheology, Thermal Processing, Binder Jet
Level: Graduate
Required Major(s):MSE, Chemical engineering
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