For Grades
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8

Junior Solar Sprint (JSS), administered by the Technology Student Association (TSA) through a grant awarded by the Army Educational Outreach Program (AEOP), is an educational program for 5th through 8th grade students with the goal of creating the fastest, most interesting and best crafted solar-vehicle possible. Students will design, build and race solar powered cars using hands-on engineering skills and principles of science and math, develop teamwork and problem solving abilities, investigate environmental issues and gain hands-on STEM skills. To register, scroll to the map and click on the link in your state to get started today!

To find program locations, click on a state in the map below or download a locations list.

You'll Get To...

  • Work with teammates in designing and building a solar car using STEM skills
  • Race your car at a TSA state event or U.S. Army-hosted event
  • Design your car in a creative way
  • Participate and compete at the national TSA conference against many other teams from across the country


  • 5th through 8th grade students are eligible
  • Member of a TSA middle school chapter or participant at an army base hosting a JSS event
  • JSS Jumpstart

JSS Jumpstart

JSS Jumpstart:

Middle School Chapter Advisors please continue to spread the word to your feeder elementary schools about this exciting Junior Solar Sprint opportunity for 5th and 6th graders housed in elementary schools. There is no fee for registering and once registered, you will be able to access all of the online resources for JSS.

JSS Jumpstart is an on-site elementary school based event which provides 5th and 6th grade students that are housed in elementary schools a fun, hands-on opportunity to learn more about solar and renewable energy by building solar powered cars. 

To learn more about the program, click here, or contact Sue King about how to get started.

Launch JSS at your U.S. Army Base

Interested in learning how to implement JSS at your U.S. Army Base? Contact Sue King about how to get started.

More Information

There is no fee to register for JSS, but registration is required to participate. Once registered, please contact Sue King to access the online resources.

Information for Volunteers

The Junior Solar Sprint program is always looking for volunteers to help at JSS TSA state events (JSS is currently held at 22 state events), U.S. Army-hosted events and the TSA national conference. Please email Sue King at for more information on where and how you can volunteer for JSS events.

Important Dates

October – April
Registration opens and online resources available
Begin planning for JSS implementation in classrooms or as afterschool activities

December - April
Access online resources to begin planning for design and build of solar car
Create design sketches and compile information for portfolio
Obtain solar panel kits

February - May
Participate in TSA state conferences and U.S. Army-hosted JSS events

June 27-July 1, 2024
National TSA Conference at Nashville, TN

Interested in This Program?

If you are interested in this program email us or call Sue King at 703-860-9000. We'd love to hear from you!

  • Vedika Agnihotri


    Vedika Agnihotri

    Gains in the Education of Math and Science (GEMS), Junior Solar Sprint (JSS)

    Read The Story
  • Guiding the Next Generation: Meet the Engineers Inspiring Young Minds at Picatinny Arsenal JSS


    Guiding the Next Generation: Meet the Engineers Inspiring Young Minds at Picatinny Arsenal JSS

    November 20, 2024

    Read The Story

    Program Locations

    Click a highlighted state to find a location near you

    Contact: Carri Senter
    State TSA website:
    *Must be a TSA member to participate

    Contact: Justin Lauer
    State TSA website:
    *Must be a TSA member to participate

    Cocoa- Army Site
    Contact: Susan Schleith

    Contact: Steve Price
    State TSA website:
    *Must be a TSA member to participate

    Contact: Lisa Costa
    State TSA website:
    *Must be a TSA member to participate

    Contact: Lisa Wadzek
    State TSA website:
    *Must be a TSA member to participate

    Contact: Jennifer Smith
    State TSA website:
    *Must be a TSA member to participate

    Contact: Tammy Vaught
    State TSA website:
    *Must be a TSA member to participate

    Contact: Alicia Lynn
    State TSA website:
    *Must be a TSA member to participate

    Contact: Ruth DeLange
    State TSA website:
    *Must be a TSA member to participate

    Contact: Shanta Villanueva
    State TSA website:
    *Must be a TSA member to participate

    Vicksburg – Army Site
    Contact: Tracy Gordon

    Contact: Alison Goeke 
    State TSA website:
    *Must be a TSA member to participate

    Picatinny – Army Site
    Contact: Mahomet Accilien

    Contact: Nicole Shipman
    State TSA website:
    *Must be a TSA member to participate

    Contact: Jerianne Taylor
    State TSA website:
    *Must be a TSA member to participate

    Contact: Pamela Cook
    State TSA website:
    *Must be a TSA member to participate

    El Paso – Army Site
    Contact: Kaitlin Cook 

    Contact: Tami Redus
    State TSA website:
    *Must be a TSA member to participate

    Contact: James Roberts
    State TSA website:
    *Must be a TSA member to participate

    Contact: Brandt D. Hutzel
    State TSA website:
    *Must be a TSA member to participate

    Contact: Mark Harrell
    State TSA website:
    *Must be a TSA member to participate

    Fort. Campbell – Army Site
    Contact: Anne Head

    Contact: Byekwaso Gilbert
    State TSA website:
    *Must be a TSA member to participate

    Contact: Ben Scheierman
    State TSA website:
    *Must be a TSA member to participate

    Contact: Mike Fitzgerald
    State TSA website:
    *Must be a TSA member to participate

    Contact: B.J. Scott
    State TSA website:
    *Must be a TSA member to participate

    State TSA website:
    *Must be a TSA member to participate

    Aberdeen Proving Ground – Army Site
    Contact: Nikki Snyder and Shawn Walsh

    Contact: Allison Carter
    State TSA website:
    *Must be a TSA member to participate

    Contact: Jim Hutson
    State TSA website:
    *Must be a TSA member to participate

    Contact: Chris Merrill
    State TSA website:
    *Must be a TSA member to participate

    Contact: William Richman
    State TSA website:
    *Must be a TSA member to participate

    Contact: Jesse Gray
    State TSA website:
    *Must be a TSA member to participate

    Contact: Mark Wagner
    State TSA website:
    *Must be a TSA member to participate

    Contact: Clara Welles
    State TSA website:
    *Must be a TSA member to participate

    Contact: Joe Schorr
    State TSA website:
    *Must be a TSA member to participate

    Ohio Schools – Army Site
    Contact: Diana Rogers

    Contact: Kim Frahm
    State TSA website:
    *Must be a TSA member to participate

    Contact: Richard Powell
    State TSA website:
    *Must be a TSA member to participate

    Contact: Christina Isong
    State TSA website:
    *Must be a TSA member to participate

    Contact: Sue King

    Contact: Sue King

    Contact: Sue King

    Contact: Sue King

    Contact: Sue King

    Contact: Sue King

    Contact: Sue King

    Contact: Sue King

    Contact: Sue King

    Contact: Sue King

    Contact: Sue King

    Contact: Sue King

    Contact: Edna Noga