Is the gamer in your life curious about coding? Are they inquisitive and creative? Do they want to learn more about circuitry, engineering, and computer programming? Would they be interested in creating their own customized video game? Join the scientists of the Army Research Laboratory as they dive into computer science and share their love for STEM with students during this Video Game Design Virtual STEM Camp!
Information for Students
- Day 1: Kick Off: Introduction to coding and video game design
- Day 2: Level Up: Programming tips and tricks; diving into the design process
- Day 3: Circuitry & Engineering: Build a customized video game controller
- Day 4: Pulling It All Together: Finalize your product, play your game, and share it with your team
As a bonus, each day will feature a guest Army scientist who will share what they love about science, share their STEM careers, and provide information on educational opportunities and scholarships in STEM!
Students will receive a circuit board and everything else they need to build their own game controller in the mail – at no cost!
What do students need to participate?
This is a virtual program. Students need a desktop or laptop computer with a USB port and internet access to participate. Student Supply Kits with everything else a student needs to participate will be mailed to their homes prior to the camp. Note: Mobile phones will not be able to support the full range of activities.
Age: Rising 7th – 9th graders
Audience: Military Children: Dependents of Active – Duty Service Members
Location: Students may join from anywhere they have internet access on a computer with a USB port.
Important Dates
November 11, 2024
Staff Applications Open
January 6, 2025
Student Applications Open
January 31, 2025
Staff Applications Close
April 27, 2025
Student Applications Close
July 14-17, 2025
Program dates
Interested in This Program?
If you are interested in this program contact Ms. Beyhan Ibici by email. We'd love to hear from you!